Thursday 29 March 2007

Members of Hope Of The States form new band

So someone went poking round, stalking in essence, on myspace and found some rather interesting information on people's myspaces. It seemed as though there was talk of a new band including members of the sorely missed (by me and a few others) Hope Of The States. Not to be confused with Troubles, a post-rock side project, this band will have a similar styling HOTS.

The thread about the original discovery can be found here.

So armed with this knowledge, I sent that link to Mr. John Earls of Planet Sound, the alternative music pages on Channel 4 Teletext. An early champion of HOTS, he was intrigued by this revelation, so went investigating.

Apparently, Sam, Simon and Paul from HOTS and Jon from Troubles are in this band, and there will be vocals. Which is good news all and all.

And because I don't need much of an excuse to do it, here is Black Dollar Bills off the debut LP, The Lost Riots.

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